¬Menopause signals the end of menstruation and fertility. It also signals the offset of several health conditions and the accompanying night sweats could just indicate the state of your cardiovascular health. Research has proven that women who have menopause night sweats have an increased likelihood of developing coronary heart disease. 

It is not clear whether the declining estrogen levels are responsible for increasing a woman’s risk of suffering from heart diseases. Women who suffer from night sweats are said to show an increased activity in their nervous system and this could lead to abnormalities in their blood vessels. Night sweats are a common symptom which women develop during their perimenopause and menopause years. However, night sweats are not always linked to menopause and they could signal other underlying health conditions. Night sweats could also signal high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid and certain forms of cancer. It is important to seek medical help if you suffer from night sweats.