Ever since Nopalea came on the scene, there have been a slew of debates, arguments and dissertations about how this product lines up against other well known nutritional health drinks. One of the great debates currently on the radars of health professionals is the one concerning wheat grass versus drinks derived from the nopala cactus. One of the common attributes of these two drinks is their ability to provide increased energy. Back in the nineteen sixties, a woman by the name of Ann Wigmore, started her own research on cereal grasses and juices made from cereal grasses. In 1968, Ann founded a health institute in Boston MA. It would eventually become one of the country's leading health treatment and education centers. This was in spite of the fact that Ann was not a doctor and had no medical training. But one thing was for sure, people who drank her nutritional elixirs and got well. The same thing can be said about the nutritional drinks derived from the nopala cactus.